Trigger Warning:
This project is a condom brand; this pages includes a lot of information around sex, gender identities, sexual identities, and genitalia. There is no nudity. There are mockups of condom packaging, and wrappers.

Cherry Pop has two perspectives:
Getting your cherry popped, or popping a cherry.
It can be viewed from either partners’ perspective; its equal, representing the nature of sex being about two (or more) people sharing in an experience.
Its positive, cheeky, and fun. It helps remove the stigma that sex is only good for men, and that it is taboo.
Getting your cherry popped, or popping a cherry.
It can be viewed from either partners’ perspective; its equal, representing the nature of sex being about two (or more) people sharing in an experience.
Its positive, cheeky, and fun. It helps remove the stigma that sex is only good for men, and that it is taboo.
These illustrations were created to represent all the different and beautiful people. There is a variety of sexes, genders, races. I wanted them to all be sort of sexy to demonstrate the fun and cheeky part of this brand; sex is fun and positive, and I want to be able to communicate that to consumers in a fun and inclusive way.
I imagine these illustrations would change frequently; inviting people in the community to send in photos or ideas for new illustrations so we can show new people all the time.

The Logo

I designed this typeface specifically for this brand. Its designed to give a little wink to the viewer; the leg of the 'R' is to resemble a penis, the arms of the 'Y' to resemble a vagina, and the 'O' has a little nipple.
This was done to remove the stigma and taboo nature of calling genitalia by its proper names. Many students in Canada are not even taught the proper names for their genitalia. This leads to problems of children not being able to identify if they have been assaulted. It also contributes to a stigma that sex is negative and taboo, which frequently leads to unhealthy or abusive relationships, particularly for young women.
In putting these elements in the typeface, its right there in the logo; there's no dancing around awkwardly, or uncomfortable denial.

Packaging Design

The idea behind this packaging is to demonstrate all the different and beautiful people in the world. The illustrations are unique and fun, while also not limiting. By keeping them as line-art with colourful hair, it can be anyone. In this way anyone can identify with the characters.
I have three rotating designs, but in future, I’d want to get community input to add even more people and representation to the mix.

The colours are each associated with a specific product, making it easier to spot on the shelf. The colours are not used to communicate any gender or sexuality norms, only product differentiation.

I have also included a section for rotating facts or information on the side panel. This would be used for educational purposes; Health information, definitions, resources, etc. This info would be constantly changing and a library would be built on social media to act as a hub of information.

Similar to the boxes; the individual condoms will show a variety of couples, always mixing and matching. A single box would contain a random variety of wrappers.
The backs of which would read “Love is Love” in order to promote acceptance, and positivity.

I wanted to use iridescent foil for the wrapper to demonstrate that sexuality and gender are fluid, and at the end of the day it’s about whatever makes you happy. So while you may chose a box; a colour, a person, an identity, that's not all you are. You can still change, and be parts of others.